After surviving the attack by the Huffle-crux, Kat admits that she doesn't actually listen to the podcast.
Like, at all.
Kat's Mad-Eye-Moody stye is gone, Claire's husband runs a blender and is recording in a rainstorm (none of which you hear because our badass editor, Hannah Beth, is a total boss). Kat's also super traumatized about how wizards used to poop (thanks for the useless info, Jo. We hate it.)
All hail the Death of the Author. We will adopt and protect the Potter Fandom from these terrible things.
Also, prepare yourself for an A+ burp. We're professionals. We swear.
The chapter opens on an unconscious Hermione and a desperate Sirius. There's 100+ more chapters, so clearly she lives.
Then, Kat starts crying. And blushing. And crying.
It's pretty great.
She eventually lapses into uncontrollable giggles and blushes, in the fetal position, because she cannot handle smut. (Pretty light smut, tbh) The book might eventually break her. Claire's pretty stoked about it. #sadist